• Do you have any questions?
  • +1 (608) 334-7053
  • info@shefamilies.com


We offer you several exchange programs with three types of length of stay. In case none of these programs is adapted to what you need, we can include you in the personalized program.

6 week stay program

Our shortest stay program. Ideal for summer periods. It can be done during school, to enjoy the experience of being educated in another country, or on vacation. In both cases, the immersion is total as in any reciprocal exchange of longer duration.

12 week stay program

Intermediate learning program. During this period, language immersion requires schooling by at least one of the two students. It is the most requested type of reciprocal exchange and is usually repeated in successive years.

24 week stay program

Full exchange program. Language immersion is very high. This program requires compulsory schooling.

Personalized stay program

You can customize the length of stay, and do it according to your needs. You can agree with the other family, for dates, duration, schooling and other matters related to the exchange.

Additional considerations

As an additional consideration, it must always be kept in mind that the exchange is not finalized until the two students have finalized their stays in both countries.